Monday, November 24, 2014

Blog 8

1. Positive Review: 
    Negative Review: 

2. The topic of both my reviews are their opinions about the movie the fault in our stars. The positive one gives more details and has a poll where you can give you're own opinion. The negative review just gave their opinion about the article. 

3. The positive review really liked the movie. They said his much they love the characters and they told to story as best as it could be. They mentioned how much they loved the story and was never a dull moment. The negative review gave personal points about why they didn't like the movie, like it bing unrealistic and predictable. They also said it condoning underage drinking and underage sex. 

4. I already stated most opinions in my number 3. But some facts/opinions from the positive article would be them saying how "magnificent the love story was" and they were always excited and never had a dull moment in to movie. The negative article gave reasons as to why they didn't like the movie and went into more detail. Some examples were how everything was predictable and she was never on the edge of her seat. She was always upset the condoned underage sex and underage drinking. She also said that the "realistics" of cancer was not included. "They sugar coated a real life issue and j have a problem with that". 

5. For the positive review I agree all the way, I loved the movie! But for he negative article I don't agree with what their saying because it's just a movie for entertainment, but I also see what their saying and I have nothing to say to disagree with it. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Feature Writing

    Most people know the recent trend on Instagram and Facebook known as the "ALS" ice bucket challenge. For the challenge you have to pour a bucket of ice water on you and tag three people to do the same. If you are tagged and you choose not to particapate you have to make a donation to the ALS foundation. ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, which affects the nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Just from the challenge going viral in late July of 2014 the foundation has raised over 115 million dollars. I interviewed Serena Boulware, who said, she too praticapted in this challenge. Serena said she particapted in the challenge because it was a bet and her reward for getting ice water dumped on her was money. Serena didnt know what ALS meant when she was asked to do the challenge but said as the purpose for doing it grew more well known, she soon was glad she particapted in the challenge. Many people like Serena, particapted in the challenge just beacause it was trending, but there are some who went through it to raise awarness for the people suffering with this conditon, wheither it was a loved one, or for just the thought of helping someone. 

photo credits;

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


1) The topic of this editorial and cartoon, is republicans taking the lead in the senate position. Both the cartoon and the editorial are both supporting republicans in the race.  
2) The cartoon represents republicans because it is a picture of Oresident Barack Obama getting "thank you letters" from republicans saying thank you, sarcastically, about having republicans lead in senate. The editorial represents this topic because it explains a race from a republican office, and his way to his position 
3) The editorial and the cartoon are related because they are both taking about republicans in the public office. They are different because the cartoon is more opionated about having a republican in office, and the editorial gives me information and story behind the article. 
4) I think the cartoon is better at getting the point across because it is more direct and easer to understand vs the editioral. It will always attract more people because it is a picture and not a lengthy article. 
5) The benefits of drawing a cartoon is being able to express you're self artistly and giving a point across that you feel strongly about. It can also spread awareness of the issue and give information. Drawbacks would be the people who disagree with you're piece and have something negative to say about it, but no matter what you do you will always have people unhappy.