Negative Review:
2. The topic of both my reviews are their opinions about the movie the fault in our stars. The positive one gives more details and has a poll where you can give you're own opinion. The negative review just gave their opinion about the article.
3. The positive review really liked the movie. They said his much they love the characters and they told to story as best as it could be. They mentioned how much they loved the story and was never a dull moment. The negative review gave personal points about why they didn't like the movie, like it bing unrealistic and predictable. They also said it condoning underage drinking and underage sex.
4. I already stated most opinions in my number 3. But some facts/opinions from the positive article would be them saying how "magnificent the love story was" and they were always excited and never had a dull moment in to movie. The negative article gave reasons as to why they didn't like the movie and went into more detail. Some examples were how everything was predictable and she was never on the edge of her seat. She was always upset the condoned underage sex and underage drinking. She also said that the "realistics" of cancer was not included. "They sugar coated a real life issue and j have a problem with that".
5. For the positive review I agree all the way, I loved the movie! But for he negative article I don't agree with what their saying because it's just a movie for entertainment, but I also see what their saying and I have nothing to say to disagree with it.